Event Sponsors
A "Salute" to our First Responders and Essential Workers...
"Thank You" America's Everyday Heroes!
Join us as we Salute our “EVERYDAY AMERICAN HEROES”
First Responders, Healthcare Workers, Police/Fire/Military/Coast Guard/EMS, Truckers, Grocery Suppliers and Workers, Restaurants,
Waste Disposal, Civic Leaders, Pharmacies, Gas Stations, Essential Businesses & Workers and so many more!
We couldn’t have done it without you!
Are you a Boat owner and interested in being apart of this community event?
Click on the link below to register your boat for FREE!!!
**Boat Parade Application**

Date and Time
Friday Dec 11, 2020
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST
Friday, December 11, 2020
7:00 PM
Intracoastal Waterway from Lake Santa Barbara to Hillsboro Bridge
(Please note: All Sponsorship packages over $200 are required to be Chamber Members) CUSTOM Sponsor Packages available to fit your company needs!
PARTNER WITH US, BRAND YOUR COMPANY NAME in front of thousands of attendees!
Contact Information
954-383-2285 Connie Davis
954-941-2940 Chamber contact
Send Email